Mountain States Tactical Officers Association



To provide a basis of communication and exchange of information between those assigned to tactical operations;

To promote a professional approach and emphasize safety to the membership as they carry out their assigned duties;

To evaluate new and old equipment and promote the exchange of ideas;

To promote further training for these tactical disciplines and to lend assistance in this regard as required;

To review tactical operations for the benefit of the membership and to encourage the development of statistical data from tactical operations;

To provide mutual support and financial assistance to the families of tactical team members who are seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.

Mission Statement: To provide mutual aid and protection of its members, to gather the members in social sessions, to train and to educate existing tactical officers to assist their law enforcement agencies, to test and evaluate new equipment and provide reports on the performance of same, to hold an annual conference for all members and potential members, to provide training and instruction to existing tactical teams, to provide correspondence to all members through a newsletter and to advance by legitimate means the interest of the membership, promote the general welfare of the Mountain States Tactical Officers Association, and do any and all things properly within the scope of the Association for the welfare of its members.